Crude oil refiner, oil refinery for sale, oil refining price
When you use crude oil refiner, you should know the classification of crude oil. The quality of crude oils can be classified either according to hydrocarbon type, product fractions, or sulfur content. Although rather unspecific,these classification methods are useful for the selection of suitable crude oils for given refining structures and product demand patterns. Classification according to hydrocarbon types. If there are oil refinery for sale, you could ask clearly about it .
Paraffin-based crude oils consist predom-inanely of paraffin hydrocarbons. Mixed-based crude oils have a more or less even distribution of paraffinic and naphthenic/ aromatic hydrocarbons over all ranges of molecular mass.Classification according to product fractions. This characterization commonly distinguishes between ‘light’, ‘medium’, and’heavy’ crudes, i.e.,the classification is based on the proportions of distillates and residue. So oil refining price is also a little high.
Zhengzhou Bona Enterprise Co., Ltd
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